Gottfried Leibniz Quotes - Page 2
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1916). “New Essays Concerning Human Understanding with an Appealing...: Transtated from the Original Latin, French and German Writeen”
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (2008). “Discourse on Metaphysics and the Monadology”, p.22, Cosimo, Inc.
"Discours touchant la méthode de la certitude et l’art d’inventer". Book by Gottfried Leibniz, 1690.
Foreword to "Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain" by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1704.
"A Dialogue". "The Shorter Leibniz Texts: A Collection of New Translations" edited by Lloyd H. Strickland, p. 170, 2006.
"Quantum Field Theory III: Gauge Theory: A Bridge between Mathematicians and Physicists". Book by Eberhard Zeidler, p. 439, August 17, 2011.
"The Shorter Leibniz Texts". Book by Gottfried Leibniz, 2006.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1890). “The philosophical works of Leibnitz .”, p.380, Рипол Классик
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz “The monadology and other philosophical writings”, Рипол Классик
Rene Descartes, Benedict de Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz (2011). “The Rationalists: Descartes: Discourse on Method & Meditations; Spinoza: Ethics; Leibniz: Monadolo gy & Discourse on Metaphysics”, p.458, Anchor