
John Edensor Littlewood Quotes

The infinitely competent can be uncreative.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.60, Cambridge University Press

Mathematics is a dangerous profession; an appreciable proportion of us go mad.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.103, Cambridge University Press

A good mathematical joke is better, and better mathematics, than a dozen mediocre papers.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.24, Cambridge University Press

The surprising thing about this paper is that a man who could write it would.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.59, Cambridge University Press

I recall once saying that when I had given the same lecture several times I couldn't help feeling that they really ought to know it by now.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.135, Cambridge University Press

The referee said it was not acceptable, but the Press considered they could not refuse to publish a book by a professor of the university.

John Edensor Littlewood, Béla Bollobás (1986). “Littlewood's Miscellany”, p.134, Cambridge University Press