I think that during the shoot, you should never be there, unless something goes really wrong and as producer, you're responsible. The sign you did your job right is if you are not there.
At some point, in order to gain his identity, the kid goes "I'm not my dad" or "I'm not my mom."
I had gotten to the point where I just didn't want to perform anymore - I didn't want to be on the chopping block anymore. I started to want to withdraw and retreat from it.
You may occasionally be hurt by the sort of cavalier cruelty of commentary if you go into online forums, so there’s definitely a maturity about not seeking validation from everyone, every single time.
I always thought what if you took a myth of childhood like the tooth fairy and made it a central scary thing. We did it on Hellboy and we did it on 'Don't be afraid of the dark'.
You need to adjust your compass to an obtainable goal.
Imagine, there is almost no possibility for a foreign language film to be distributed in America right now. That doesn't just make the industry poorer, it makes the landscape of cinema poorer, in America. The impossibility to get a good release on a really good European, Latin American, Asian movie is a tragedy.
If film making is magic, there's a difference between close up magic and David Copperfield. If you're doing close up magic, which independent filmmakers do, it is a very delicate craft, interpersonal relationship, and being able to enrapture a very small audience.
If you're doing a big spectacle film, you've got to be mindful of large masses. Even then, you've got to be responsible only to your storytelling.
Even if one understands that what one is doing is mad, it is indeed still madness -
for in the absence of God he had found Man. Man killing man, man helping man, both of them anonymous: the scourge and the blessing.
You’ll meet her. She’s very pretty, even though sometimes she’s sad for many days at a time. You’ll see, when she smiles, you’ll love her.
The only true immortality is when you don't care if you die. The moment you stop giving credence to gain is when you become invulnerable to pain.
It’s as hard to explain as a sexual proclivity. Some guys like high-heeled shoes. I like horror.
I think there are movies that are so gigantic that you need a second unit
I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter books, but I'd love to do one where one of the kids dies, or one of the main characters dies. I love for those things to have a little bit more tragedy.
Somebody said to me, in a very well-meaning way, at a screening, "We love the movie but it's too violent. If you tone down the violence you could reach a great audience of kids.".
For any actor to have Oliver Stone call him or her up Its a compliment. He expects you to be on your toes. If youre not, he pokes at you until you react. Hes very provocative, creatively. It started like a lot of hard work, but it ended up a lot of fun.
The underground of the city is like what's underground in people. Beneath the surface, it's boiling with monsters.
There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created.
If you can be that link to other people that came before you and the ones that come after, then you have to honor that link. If you are doing what somebody else tells you to do and you have success, it's horrible. And if you are doing what other people tell you to do and you fail, it's equally horrible.
I find I'm waking up really early now, just to read. Waking up at ungodly hours. But I try to keep up, religiously. When I was a kid, it used to be a book a day. Then a book a week. Now it's like a book every two weeks. But I read every day.
Frankfurt, discussing a stuntman: He missed being killed in that shot be literally half an inch.
Normally a period movie has a lot of problems with the graphics. They look modern made.
There are a lot of period movies where they say, 'This is a portrait of Lady Whatever.' And it's done in like a 1950s or 60s style.