I was thinking that when I have children, that I should always dress as a character for them, so they think their mom is Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella. It would be totally messed up!
I thought that I was going to be like this earth mother. When people would complain about being pregnant, I was like, 'What are you talking about? It's incredible! Just enjoy it.'
I was a different person before I started to write. When I realized I could be a songwriter and that people would listen - that was when I started feeling good in my life.
I'm just an Orange County girl from a loving family making music with my friends. It's not really that big of a deal.
I never wanted to go for the cute boys. Why would you wanna have a boyfriend that's cuter than you?
My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School. After they got married, all they wanted to do was have four children, and they did.
I've been trying to do films for years. So I've decided to wait until the next good part comes along and develop a record on my own in the meantime.
My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School.
My priorities are always going to be my husband and my family now. That's a huge, huge thing.
Before, I was really passive, all I cared about was being in love with my boyfriend. I didn't have any creative power, nothing. I don't know that person any more.
I have to tell everyone everything that's going on. It is different once you're married, because that's sacred.
I'm happy to have L.A.M.B. participate in the PSP accessories show as I've always loved designing bags and accessories, It's all about creativity at the end of the day, whether you're talking about fashion, technology or music, and that's what my L.A.M.B. bags are about.
It's not about me - it's like, "How can I help you?" And when you give like that, you receive so much. It was an incredible experience, but it also gave me that bug: I wanted new music so badly.
Sometimes life is so crazy, you have to go through something to be able to find out what you're supposed to talk about next, and I think that's what happened to me.
I like to make my husband like me more, and he likes it when I’m wearing makeup.
I remember my boyfriend and I had just broken up, and I was like 'I don't care how much it costs, I'm getting my hair bleached!' That's really when everything changed.
I got married and decided I wanted to do a dance record, and I didn't ever expect for it to be what it was or for the 'No Doubt' thing to be such a long break, but it was one of those things where you just had to sort of follow your inspiration.
I'm vain enough to want do a movie again, but right now more roles are the last thing on my list.
Being a mom is hard, I think a lot of working moms feel that way.
This last year I kind of stopped working out. I think my body just needed a break. And so I did that, and focused more on feeling good as opposed to beating myself up.
I don't mean this in a stuck-up way, but I needed an attitude song.