Harry S. Truman Quotes about War

United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman), Harry S. Truman (1965). “Harry S. Truman: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President, 1945-53”
United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman), Harry S. Truman (1964). “Harry S. Truman: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President, 1945-53”
If we do not abolish war on this earth, then surely one day war will abolish us from the earth.
Harry S. Truman (1995). “The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman: A Treasury of Quotations, Anecdotes, and Observations”, Gramercy
Harry S. Truman (1967). “The Quotable Harry S. Truman”, Anderson, S.C. : Droke House, distributed by Grosset & Dunlap
The responsibility of the great states is to serve, and not to dominate, the world.
Harry S. Truman, Howard B. Furer, United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman) (1970). “Harry S. Truman, 1884- : chronology-documents-bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns
Harry S. Truman (2014). “1945: Year of Decision”, p.337, New Word City
Radio Report on the Potsdam Conference, delivered 9 August 1945, White House, Washington, D.C.
We must face the fact that peace must be built on power, as well as upon good will and good deeds.
Harry S. Truman (1995). “The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman: A Treasury of Quotations, Anecdotes, and Observations”, Gramercy
Statement on first use of atomic bomb in combat, 6 Aug. 1945
United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman), Harry S. Truman (1961). “Harry S. Truman: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President, 1945-53”
The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want.
The Truman Doctrine, delivered 12 March 1947 before a Joint Session of Congress
"Quote Unquote (A Handbook of Quotations)" by M.P. Singh, p. 101, January 1, 2005.
If we do not want to die together in war, we must learn to live together in peace.
United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman), Harry S. Truman (1961). “Harry S. Truman: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President, 1945-53”
Harry S. Truman, Robert H. Ferrell (1997). “Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman”, p.53, University of Missouri Press
Harry S. Truman, Ralph Keyes (1995). “Wit and wisdom of Harry Truman”, Harpercollins
Harry S. Truman, Howard B. Furer, United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman) (1970). “Harry S. Truman, 1884- : chronology-documents-bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns
Address to joint session of Congress, 12 Mar. 1947