
Helen Frankenthaler Quotes

There are no rules. Let the picture lead you where it must go.

"ART/ARCHITECTURE; Helen Frankenthaler, Back to the Future" by Ted Loos, April 27, 2003.

I'd rather risk an ugly surprise than rely on things I know I can do.

Helen Frankenthaler, Barbara Rose (1970*). “Frankenthaler”

I follow the rules until I go against them all.

1993 On translating her large, lyrical abstracts from paintings to prints. In the Washington Times, 16 Apr.

I don't resent being a female painter. I don't exploit it. I paint.

"Helen Frankenthaler, Abstract Painter Who Shaped a Movement, Dies at 83" by Grace Glueck, December 27, 2011.

I have always been concerned with painting that simultaneously insists on a flat surface and then denies it.

Julia Brown, Helen Frankenthaler, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1998). “After Mountains and Sea: Frankenthaler 1956-1959”, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

A really good picture looks as if it's happened at once. It's an immediate image.

Helen Frankenthaler, Barbara Rose (1970*). “Frankenthaler”