
Henry Ford Quotes about Reincarnation

I believe we are reincarnated. You, I, we reincarnate over and over. We live many lives, and store up much experience. Some are older souls than others and so they know more. It seems to be an intuitive gift. It is

I believe we are reincarnated. You, I, we reincarnate over and over. We live many lives, and store up much experience. Some are older souls than others and so they know more. It seems to be an intuitive "gift." It is really hard-won experience.

"The Power that Wins: Henry Ford and Ralph Waldo Trine in an Intimate Talk on Life--the Inner Thing--the Things of the Mind and Spirit--and the Inner Powers and Forces that Make for Achievement". Book by Ralph Waldo Trine, Bobbs-Merrill Company, p. 18, 1929.