There are not enough jails, not enough police, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people.
The President is the peoples lobbyist.
More progress results from the violent execution of an imperfect plan than the perfection of a plan to violently execute.
The time has arrived in America for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadows of states rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights
Peace of mind is another way of saying that you've learned how to love, that you have come to appreciate the importance of giving love in order to be worthy of receiving it.
The essence of statesmanship is not a rigid adherence to the past, but a prudent and probing concern for the future.
Today we know that World War II began not in 1939 or 1941 but in the 1920's and 1930's when those who should have known better persuaded themselves that they were not their brother's keeper.
What you do, what each of us does, has an effect on the country, the state, the nation, and the world.
We should have learnt by now that laws and court decisions can only point the way. They can establish criteria of right and wrong. And they can provide a basis for rooting out the evils of bigotry and racism. But they cannot wipe away centuries of oppression and injustice - however much we might desire it.
Asia is rich in people, rich in culture and rich in resources. It is also rich in trouble.
The message of the United States is not nuclear power. The message of the United States is a spiritual message. It is the message of human ideals; it is the message of human dignity; it is the message of the freedom of ideas, speech, press, the right to assemble, to worship, and the message of freedom of movement of people.
Each child is an adventure into a better life - an opportunity to change the old pattern and make it new.
For the first time in the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an end.
I am not here to judge whether people are locked in poverty because of themselves or because of the society in which they live. All I know is that they are there and we are trying to do something about it.
The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible.
If I believe in something, I will fight for it, with all I have. But I do not demand all or nothing. I would rather get something than nothing.
Though everyone has an equal right to speak, not all have earned an equal right to be taken seriously.
If I believe in something, I will fight for it with all I have. But I do not demand all or nothing. I would rather get something than nothing. Professional liberals want the fiery debate. They glory in defeat. The hardest job for a politician today is to have the courage to be a moderate. It's easy to take an extreme position.
We are in danger of making our cities places where business goes on but where life, in its real sense, is lost.
If there is dissatisfaction with the status quo, good. If there is ferment, so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work. If man feels small, let man make himself bigger.
There is in every American, I think, something of the old Daniel Boone - who, when he could see the smoke from another chimney, felt himself too crowded and moved further out into the wilderness.
National isolation breeds national neurosis.
Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a hard fist at the conference table.
Freedom is the most contagious virus known to man.
There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has been set free.