
Indro Montanelli Quotes

The love of power excludes all others.

"I protagonisti" by Indro Montanelli, Rizzoli, (p. 265), 1976.

Which ever one of you will want to become a journalist, let him remember to choose his own master: the reader.

From a lecture of journalism at the University of Turin, "La Stampa" Newspaper, April 14, 2009.

Pertini has interpreted as their best the worst about Italians.

"Piccola antologia del pensiero breve" by Franco Fontanini, Liguori Editore, (p. 12), 2007.

Cynics are all moralists, and merciless too.

"L'Italia giacobina e carbonara" by Indro Montanelli, Rizzoli, Milano (p. 144), 1972.