We need some honesty and sincerity instead of corrupt government in Washington.
I think the Supreme Court does have the authority, which is not used, to declare a blanket right for all people, all adults.
None of them want to delay. Understand that. None of them.
I have no regrets, none whatsoever.
Liberty means more to me than life itself.
[Persons] who are recognized as citizens in any one state of the Union [have] the right to enter every other state, whenever they pleased... full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might meet; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.
Rotten travesty. Yeah. Send me to jail for contempt. Try that. Go ahead.
What looks like enjoyment is the sneer of contempt. That's not a smile.
The law doesn't create a right.
Many support what I am doing.
How can you regret helping a suffering patient?
Maybe I won't stay out of prison. Who knows?
If Christ can die in a barn, I think the death of a human in a van is not so bad.
I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where the death penalty would seem appropriate.
If a man is terrified, it's up to me to dispel that terror.
I will go to what they call a court. Only they call it a court.
I don't persuade to suicide.
Everyone is going to die. Aren't you interested in what's going to happen?
Let's hope you feel better now.
I'm not lying to myself like most people.
What are friends? Some people are nice. Some people aren't. There are some I'm fairly close with... we talk.
I'm for absolute autonomy of the individual, and an adult, competent woman has absolute autonomy. It's her choice.
I got to dislike parties, like Jefferson and Madison. I think they're harmful. But the system is flawed so badly. I like what Plato said, long ago. Democracy is fit only for a small country. Can't survive in a large country.
The public can tolerate a Nazi America.
I didn't do this for other people; I did this for me. I fought for this right for me - does that sound selfish?