
Philosopher Quotes

All are sure in their days except the most wise ... He is the wisest philosopher who holds his theory with some doubt.

Bence Jones, Michael Faraday (2010). “The Life and Letters of Faraday”, p.175, Cambridge University Press

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.

Herman Melville (2016). “Redburn.His First Voyage”, p.222, Herman Melville

The best physician is also a philosopher.

Galen, Arthur John Brock (1991). “On the natural faculties”, Loeb Classical Library

Scientists are explorers. Philosophers are tourists.

Richard P. Feynman (2015). “The Quotable Feynman”, p.113, Princeton University Press

The philosophers are wrong: it is not words that kill, it is silence.

Elie Wiesel (2013). “The Testament”, p.151, Souvenir Press

The mind is a kind of theater, where several perceptions successively make their appearence; pass, re-pass, glide away, and mingle in an infinite variety of postures and situations.

David Hume (1874). “A Treatise on Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning Into Moral Subjects; and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion”, p.534

Philosophers of science have repeatedly demonstrated that more than one theoretical construction can always be placed upon a given collection of data.

Thomas S. Kuhn (2012). “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition”, p.76, University of Chicago Press

Don't become a philosopher before you become rich.

YouTube Channel "The University of Edinburgh"/"Dr Shah Rukh Khan - Life Lessons", October 16, 2015.