The test of character is not persistence when you expect a light at the end of the tunnel. The true test is performance and persistence when you see no light coming.
Money won't ever make you happy, nor was it ever meant to. Happiness comes from within. Money at best will make you more comfortable.
Virtually all top achievers know that to really get ahead, you've got to be willing to color outside the lines. Here's why
Animals are wonderful, because they put you in a great emotional state.
The most difficult battle you ever fight is the battle to be unique in a world that will marshal its every force to keep you the same.
Success is messy. But so is life. Deal with it. Poverty is messier.
There is always a risk to follow your bliss, a price to pursue your passion.
This principle applies to your family pet, for instance, which I believe are wonderful because they put you into a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that's a great state of love that's going to bring goodness into your life, what a gift that is.
Winners take the action that others won't.
It's been such a powerful exercise, every morning to get up and say thank you, every morning ...... what am I grateful for ...... and I'm not just thinking about them ...... I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude
Every great tradition has told you that you were created in the image and the likeness of the creative source. That means that you have God potential and power to create your world.
Trying is failing with honor
I contend that the time has come to develop what I call "integrated spiritual masters." These are individuals that have a full-on experience of all levels of life spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and yes... physically. In other words they can soar into the realms of the mystic and yet still keep their feet in the sand.
While the cat's away, the mice will play.