
James Madison Quotes - Page 14

The express authority of the people alone could give validity to the Constitution.

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (1842). “The Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in the Year 1788”, p.205

Landholders ought to have a share in the government to support these invaluable interests and check the other many. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.

Jonathan Elliot, James Madison, United States. Constitutional Convention (1836). “The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia in 1787: Together with the Journal of the Federal convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other illustrations of the Constitution”, p.490

Having outlived so many of my contemporaries, I ought not to forget that I may be thought to have outlived myself.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison (1995). “The Republic of Letters: 1776-1790”

Those who are to conduct a war cannot in the nature of things, be proper or safe judges, whether a war ought to be commenced, continued, or concluded.

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (1842). “The Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in the Year 1788”, p.436

As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed. As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other, and the former will be objects to which the latter attach themselves.

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Henry Barton Dawson (1864). “The FÅ“deralist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed Upon by the FÅ“deral Convention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the Original Text. With an Historical Introduction and Notes”, p.57, New York : C. Scribner ; London : Sampson Low

The Constitution of the United States was created by the people of the United States composing the respective states, who alone had the right.

James Madison (1859). “Selections from the Private Correspondence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836”, p.119

This policy of supplying by opposite and rival interests, the defect of better motives, might be traced through the whole system of human affairs, both private and public.

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (1852). “The Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in 1788”, p.240

The fetters imposed on liberty at home have ever been forged out of the weapons provided for defense against real, pretended, or imaginary dangers from abroad.

James Madison, David B. Mattern (1997). “James Madison's "Advice to My Country"”, p.49, University of Virginia Press