You see, one of the best things about reading is that you'll always have something to think about when you're not reading.
If you're not reading - with your heart as well as your brain - you will be one stupid grown up. Even worst, you'll be missing out on one of the best experiences you can possibly have. Nowhere will you meet more interesting people than in books.
I don't believe in lecturing people. It's much more effective to present reading as a fun, rewarding pastime.
I learnt to love reading. And then I started scribbling stories, and I liked that even more.
There's no such thing as a kid who hates reading. There are kids who love reading, and kids who are reading the wrong books.
Congratulations. The fact that you're reading this means you've taken one giant step closer to surviving until your next birthday.
Reading is not work, not a chore, not a drudgery; reading is the most joyful thing, yet, in the world.
The best way to get kids reading more is to give them books that they'll gobble up - and that will make them ask for another.
Life is hard, and a lot of people come home tired from work. If they're gonna spend half an hour reading, they want some entertainment and a sense of achievement. So that's what I give them. That's all I'm trying to do. Is that really so wrong?
If the White House could do more to tell parents that getting children reading is their business too, we'd see a big difference. Hollywood and the NBA or NFL could step in, too. In England they have an event called Book Day, where every child receives a pound to use at any bookstore.
I do 30 to 40 books a year, so it's a fair amount of reading. Back and forth between nonfiction and fiction. I usually have three or four things that are open on my desk, on my bed, on audiobook in the car.