Surrender to life itself and you'll just be rewarded with so many things. And I've been rewarded so many times, in so many mysterious ways. So I have no reason to be disappointed with anything.
I'm totally into new age and self-help books. I used to work in a bookstore and that's the section they gave me, and I got way into it. I just loved the power of positive thinking, letting yourself go.
You're letting go of having the best possible experience you can have regardless of who you are and where you are. I think that can be applied to all things, but it's easier said than done.
With everything you're letting go, I'm sure it's going to have a different value to you. And every time you let go you're going to be a different age or there's going to be different circumstances. So I think the best way to do it is to simply wish the best for that thing.