
Jean Paul Quotes - Page 2

Nothing is more beautiful than cheerfulness in an old face.

Nothing is more beautiful than cheerfulness in an old face.

Jean Paul (1863). “Titan: A Romance. From the German of Jean Paul Richter”, p.375

Love lessens woman's delicacy and increases man's.

Jean Paul (1863). “Titan: A Romance”, p.199

Only deeds give strength to life, only moderation gives it charm.

"Titan", Zykel 145 in "Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, (pp. 440-455), 1922.

A loving maiden grows unconsciously more bold.

Jean Paul (1862). “Titan: A Romance”, p.464

A sky full of silent suns.

Jean Paul (1892). “Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces: Or, The Wedded Life, Death, and Marriage of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkaes, Parish Advocate in the Burgh of Kuhschnappel. (A Genuine Thorn Piece)”

With so many thousand joys, is it not black ingratitude to call the world a place of sorrow and torment?

Jean Paul F. RICHTER (1849). “Life of ---,compiled from various sources together with his Autobiography,...”, p.99