My first wife said, 'It's either that guitar or me,' you know -- and I give you three guesses which one went.
After I saw Jimmy [Hendrix] play, I just went home and wondered what the f*** I was going to do with my life.
That old funny-shaped bit of wood is still staring me in the face every day saying 'come on, you haven't started yet!' It's infinite.
The Strat covers the complete spectrum of human emotion .. the tremolo enables you to do anything - you can hit any note known to mankind
I don't care about the rules, if I don't break the rules at least 10x every song then I'm not doing my job.
I play the way I do cause it allows me to come up w/ the sickest sounds possible. That's the point now isn't it?
There was mass hysteria in the Chess Recording Studio when I did the "Shapes of Things" solo ... they weren't expecting it, and it was just some weird mist coming from the East out of an amp.
When Jazz broke through in England, I remember sneaking to listen on the radio much to my parent's disapproval.