Don't let talent get in way of team performance. Great players do what's outstanding for team, not what makes them stand out
Anything can happen with hard work and dedication
Confidence is a lot of this game or any game. If you don't think you can, you won't.
When time is running out and the score is close, most players are thinking, I don't want to be the one to lose the game, but I'm thinking, What do I have to do to win?
[The NBA] used to be a small band of basketball groupies. Now there are a lot more corporate-type people working in the league.
I don't really want to go into my problems with the team at the time except to say that no one's ever had to pay me to play basketball.
Basketball came to me and for some reason it gave me an opportunity to live a life that I didn't dream possible. But it did let me live my dreams.