
Jesse Jackson Quotes - Page 7

Those who write the editorials and those who write the columns, they simply are unaccountable. They're free to impose their cultural politics in the name of freedom of the press.

"Rev. Jesse Jackson: The Davis/Moseley Braun meeting-and on the media covering the mayor’s race". Interview With Carol Felsenthal, December 30, 2010.

So here we are today with a new conversation. When University of Georgia plays Georgia Tech, it's uniform color versus skin color. We have - we've overcome that level of racial fear.

"Rev. Jesse Jackson on Fallout From Firing of Shirley Sherrod". Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace", July 25, 2010.

I have worked hard to build relationships between Jewish people and black people.

"Jesse Jackson: Power, politics and the preacher man". Interview with Gary Younge, April 17, 1999.

I preach nonviolence because it's the better alternative.

Interview with Arthur Kretchmer, October 14, 2011.

At least the politicians are accountable to the voters.

"Rev. Jesse Jackson: The Davis/Moseley Braun meeting-and on the media covering the mayor’s race". Interview With Carol Felsenthal, December 30, 2010.