
Jesse McCartney Quotes

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Absolutely, I grew up listening to soul music. People like Stevie, Aretha, Ray Charles, Michael and Prince. My parents’ record collection was all I had when I was a little kid. If it wasn’t that, it was something else in their collection.

"Friday Pop Quiz : Conversations With Duffy, Jesse McCartney and Christian Kane, Plus Pick Your Poison (Tree) Streamer". Interview with Mike Ragogna, December 17, 2010.

Giants versus Jets Super Bowl. I'm telling you, that's all I want to see.

"McCartney's Big Apple sports dreams". Interview with Mary Buckheit, December 28, 2010.

I'm a Giants fan through and through. I am crazy about Eli Manning. I'm all about the Giants.

"McCartney's Big Apple sports dreams". Interview with Mary Buckheit, December 28, 2010.

I went to a public high school that had a very small graduating class of 156 students. I lived a relatively normal childhood until I turned probably around 16. Things started to take off career-wise.

"Jesse McCartney Talks Confidence, Future Plans, and 'Beware The Gonzo'!". Interview with Neha Gandhi, January 19, 2012.