If you really want people to remain healthy, you can't just throw pills at people once they become sick, which I feel like I was doing as a medical doctor, so I began working on more upstream thinking.
You don't know what the real problems of a health care system are until you get sick.
I don't support ObamaCare and see it as a step backward that entrenches the power of the private health care industry.
I think we are only going to get it by standing up and voting our values, understanding that the lesser evil doesn't solve the problem. It just prolongs the problem and it paves the way to the greater evil. That the policies of the Clintons, the Wall Street deregulation and NAFTA, created the economic misery that becomes very fertile territory for demagogues like Donald Trump.
Bernie Sanders had public support behind him that outstripped... in head-to-head polling, Bernie Sanders was ahead of all the other competition. This is a progressive agenda that the American people embrace every time they have something to say about it.
Silence is not an effective political strategy, and what we do if we silence the public interest, which is so hard to hear anyway, is that we silence ourselves and then we do not have a democracy.
We need a nonpartisan debate commission that actually allows candidates, who are on the ballot in enough states that they could win the election - voters not only have a right to vote, we have a right to know who we can vote for.
By the time we complete the care for the wounded soldiers, $6 trillion, that's $50,000 per American household.
The only one benefiting from this, the American taxpayer, almost half of our taxes, our income taxes, are going to the military and to these wars.
This is not to isolate Israel but rather to hold Israel to a higher standard that we also have to hold ourselves to as well.
In my view, what really counts here, as our political system falls apart before our very eyes, where voters really feel like they've been thrown under the bus, for good reason, and where they are dropping out of these two corporate-sponsored political parties.
Remember Donald Trump had about $4 billion worth of free media, and Hillary Clinton has had about $2 billion, and we've had zero. I think it remarkable that we are standing where we are.
The Green Party provides the infrastructure, kind of the culture of watchdogging the electoral bureaucracy, and how you participate, how you get on the ballot, stuff like that which is very difficult to do unless you have billions of dollars.
We're not out holding fundraisers in the Hamptons or in Beverly Hills.
With the passion and the vision of the Berners [Sanders] coming into the Greens - we call it berning green - and the events that I'm going to that are being created around the country right now, it's the Bernie folks who are showing up in huge numbers along with the traditional Green. It's very powerful.
There's one other element I just want to be sure to mention here: that is that there are 43 million young people who are locked into predatory student loan debt for whom there is no way out in the foreseeable future given the economy that we have: this predatory Wall Street driven financialized low-wage service industry economy.
In the words of Alice Walker, the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with. We have it: just to look at the power of fighting student debt or 25 million Latinos who learned that the Republicans are the party that hate and fear but Democrats are the party of people deportation and detention.
At a time of great social upheaval, all things are possible.
We must challenge to fight at every level, including Congress and to make that challenge political and to organize as a political party is how we get traction.
As Bernie Sanders himself said, you know, the [Donald] Trump movement reflects the economic despair and misery that's been inflicted not only on the American people but people around the world.
The way that you address this right-wing extremism is actually by putting forward a truly progressive agenda. That's the only solution here.
We were out there with the people whose homes were flooded out in Southern Louisiana. We are out there on the front line with everyday people fighting the real frontline battle that real Americans are fighting.
In terms of the role of the media, that is my candidacy which does provide that truly progressive agenda that gets to the heart of what is driving this right-wing extremism.It's not just Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is not going to be the solution here.
It's time to use the antitrust laws and to break up this conglomerate corporate media that has now poisoned our democracy to the point that our very survival is at risk for the kinds of monstrosities that are flourishing in our corporate media dominated discussion.
It's time to override this fraud being committed on the American voter of the two-party tyranny of this private corporation of the Commission on Presidential Debates.