Upheaval Quotes
Jac Holzman, Gavan Daws (1998). “Follow the Music: The Life and High Times of Elektra Records in the Great Years of American Pop Culture”, First Media Books
Jean-Pierre De Caussade (2012). “Abandonment to Divine Providence”, p.47, Image
The upheaval of our world and the upheaval of our consciousness are one and the same.
Carl Gustav Jung (1964). “Civilization in transition”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2011). “Why We Can't Wait”, p.98, Beacon Press
Edward Weston, Peter C. Bunnell, David Featherstone, Robert Adams (1986). “EW:100: centennial essays in honor of Edward Weston”
Salo Wittmayer Baron (1957). “A Social and Religious History of the Jews”