
Joanna Baillie Quotes

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A willing heart adds feather to the heel.

A willing heart adds feather to the heel.

Joanna Baillie (1800). “A series of plays, in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind [by J. Baillie”, p.355

A woman is seldom roused to great and courageous exertion but when something most dear to her is in immediate danger.

Joanna Baillie (1853). “The dramatic and poetical works of Joanna Baillie”, p.709

I wish I were with some of the wild people that run in the woods, and know nothing about accomplishments!

Joanna Baillie (1821). “A series of plays, in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind [by J. Baillie”, p.61

Pampered vanity is a better thing perhaps than starved pride.

Joanna Baillie (1853). “The dramatic and poetical works of Joanna Baillie”, p.112

Me care for te laws when te laws care for me.

Joanna Baillie (1836). “Dramas”, p.238

It is so seldom that a young fellow has any inclination for the company of an old man. . .

Joanna Baillie (2001). “Plays on the Passions”, p.266, Broadview Press

But dreams full oft are found of real events The form and shadows.

Joanna Baillie (1821). “The election. Ethwald. The second marriage”, p.153

Oh swiftly glides the bonnie boat, Just parted from the shore, And to the fisher's chorus-note Soft moves the dipping oar.

Joanna Baillie, Judith Bailey Slagle (1999). “The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie”, p.128, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press

He that will not give some portion of his ease, his blood, his wealth, for other's good, is a poor, frozen churl.

Joanna Baillie (1802). “A series of plays, in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind [by J. Baillie”, p.253

But woman's grief is like a summer storm, Short as it violent is.

Joanna Baillie (1853). “The dramatic and poetical works of Joanna Baillie”, p.48