Program your mind with what God says about you and a transformation will take place.
Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!
When you get up and say, "God, I want to thank you for being alive, I've got family, I've got my health," you're going to draw in more of the good things from God.
But I want to motivate. I wanna motivate every person to leave here to be a better father, a better husband, to break addictions to come up higher in their walk with the Lord.
I'm not leading them to some false God or something like that.
I believe God's keeping the records and I believe you will be rewarded even in this life; somehow, some way God will make it up to you.
The main message of it is to not get stagnant and that God wants us to continue to grow and become a better person.
That's my thing - keep filled with faith. Keep doing what you can do and I believe God will do what you can't do.
You have to turn it around and say God still has a great plan for my life. I may not understand things that happen, but faith is all about trusting when you don't understand it.
God's used me to help turn their life around or give them hope, you know? It's very rewarding
I think we use God's word. I think the principles that you hear Dr. Phil and some of those others talk about many times are right out of the Bible.
We're going to bring our core message of hope and how God is a good God who's on our side.