Culture arises and unfolds in and as play... culture itself bears the character of play.
If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it.
Culture means control over nature.
Culture requires in the first place a certain balance of material and spiritual values.
Culture must have its ultimate aim in the metaphysical or it will cease to be culture.
The second fundamental feature of culture is that all culture has an element of striving.
A new culture can only grow up in the soil of a purged humanity.
There are no instances known to me of cultures having forsaken Truth or renounced the understanding in its widest sense.
Without metaphor the handling of general concepts such as culture and civilization becomes impossible, and that of disease and disorder is the obvious one for the case in point. Is not crisis itself a concept we owe to Hippocrates? In the social and cultural domain no metaphor is more apt than the pathological one.
Systematic philosophical and practical anti-intellectualism such as we are witnessing appears to be something truly novel in the history of human culture.
The new knowledge has not yet settled in culture. It has not yet been integrated in a new cosmic conception.