Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotes about Time
We must not take the faults of our youth with us into old age, for age brings along its own defects.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, John Stuart Blackie (1883). “The Wisdom of Goethe”, Edinburgh, W. Blackwood
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1882). “The Autobiography of Goethe: Truth and Poetry From My Own Life”, p.394, Library of Alexandria
The older we get the more we must limit ourselves if we wish to be active.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Carl Friedrich Zelter (1892). “Goethe's Letters to Zelter: With Extracts from Those of Zelter to Goethe”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (2013). “Delphi Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Illustrated)”, p.760, Delphi Classics
Great endowments often announce themselves in youth in the form of singularity and awkwardness.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Parke Godwin (1848). “The Auto-biography of Goethe: Truth and Poetry: from My Own Life”, p.59
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1924). “Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels”, p.217, Library of Alexandria
"Goethe's Art of Living".