
Heirs Quotes

To an old leader will be born an idiot heir, weak both in knowledge and in war.

Nostradamus (2013). “The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus”, p.24, Simon and Schuster

We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution.

John F. Kennedy (2015). “Profiles in Courage: Deluxe Modern Classic”, p.11, Harper Collins

Every human being is born an heir to an inheritance to which he can succeed only in a process of learning.

Quoted in R S Peters (ed) TheConcept of Education (1966), ch.10, 'Learning and Teaching'.

Cinema, heir of alchemy, last of an erotic science.

"The lords, and The new creatures: poems".

I'm the heir apparent to the heir presumptive.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".