
John C. Maxwell Quotes about Encouragement

A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear.

A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear.

John C. Maxwell (2007). “The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow”, p.49, Thomas Nelson Inc

Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.

John C. Maxwell (2013). “Be A People Person: Effective Leadership Through Effective Relationships”, p.164, David C Cook

A word of Encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential.

"Encouragement Changes Everything: Bless and Be Blessed". Book by John C. Maxwell, 2008.

Dreams don't work unless you do

FaceBook post by John C. Maxwell from Jun 01, 2016