
John Hay Quotes

The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.

The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.

John Hay (1871). “Castilian Days”, p.28

Speak with the speech of the world; think with the thoughts of the few.

John Hay (1984). “John Hay's Pike County: two tales and seven ballads”

Friends are the sunshine of life.

John Hay (1913). “Poems”

The people will come to their own at last,-God is not mocked forever.

John Hay (1871). “Pike County Ballads and Other Pieces”, p.41

At my door the Pale Horse stands to carry me to unknown lands.

John Hay (1916). “The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay: Including Many Poems Now First Collected”

Break not the rose; its fragrance and beauty are surely sufficient, resting contented with these, never a thorn shall you feel.

John Hay (1916). “The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay: Including Many Poems Now First Collected”

Maidens! why should you worry in choosing whom you shall marry? Choose whom you may, you will find you have got somebody else.

John Hay (1916). “The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay: Including Many Poems Now First Collected”

Unto each man comes a day when his favorite sins all forsake him, And he complacently thinks he has forsaken his sins.

John Hay (1916). “The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay: Including Many Poems Now First Collected”