John Henry Newman Quotes - Page 4
John Henry Newman (1895). “Selection, Adapted to the Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year: From the Parochial & Plain Sermons”
'Apologia pro Vita Sua' (1864) 'History of My Religious Opinions from 1833 to 1839'
John Henry Newman (1846). “An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine”, p.329
Faith ... acts promptly and boldly on the occasion, on slender evidence.
John Henry Newman (1844). “Sermons, Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief: Preached Before the University of Oxford”, p.290, Aeterna Press
Regarding Christianity: Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt.
'Apologia pro Vita Sua' (1864) 'Position of my Mind since 1845'
I see nothing in the theory of evolution inconsistent with an Almighty Creator and Protector.
John Henry Newman, Ian Turnbull Ker, Thomas Gornall, Gerard Tracey, Francis J. McGrath (1961). “Letters and Diaries: The controversy with Gladstone, Jan. 1874-Dec. 1875”
John Henry Newman (2016). “Apologia pro Vita Sua”, p.100, John Henry Newman
John Henry Newman (1873). “Poetry with reference to Aristotle's poetics. Introduction of rationalistic principles into revealed religion. Fall of La Mennais. Palmer's view of faith and unity. Theology of St. Ignatius. Prospects of the Anglican Church. The Anglo-American Church. Selina, Countess of Huntingdon”, p.23
'Apologia pro Vita Sua' (1864) 'History of My Religious Opinions from 1833 to 1839'
John Henry Newman (1843). “Sermons, Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief: Preached Before the University of Oxford”, p.254
John Henry Newman (2002). “Prayers, Verses, and Devotions”, p.337, Ignatius Press
Health of body and mind is a great blessing, if we can bear it.
John Henry Newman (1997). “Parochial and Plain Sermons”, p.36, Ignatius Press
Somehow I am necessary for His purposes, as necessary in my place as an Archangel in his.
"John Henry Newman: Spiritual Writings".
Blessed John Henry Newman, Aeterna Press (2009). “The Idea of a University”, p.119, Aeterna Press
John Henry Newman (1865). “History of My Religious Opinions”, p.118
'Apologia pro Vita Sua' (1864) 'Mr Kingsley's Method of Disputation'
John Henry Newman (1873). “The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated: I. In Nine Discourses Delivered to the Catholics of Dublin ; [II] In Occasional Lectures and Essays Addressed to the Members of the Catholic University”, p.103
Blessed John Henry Newman, Aeterna Press (1844). “Sermons: Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief”, p.182, Aeterna Press
John Henry Newman (1852). “Discourses on the Scope and Nature of University Education: Addressed to the Catholics of Dublin”, p.144