Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.
I am sure that Senator Clinton would make a good President. I have no doubt that Senator Clinton would make a good President.
I'm not sure, if I were President Clinton, I wouldn't want to be pardoned for something that I believed that I didn't do.
I think, again, neither of these candidates [Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton] is blowing me away. Actually, I would like both of them to get more policy specific.
After all this time and all this, quote, "experience," how is she [Hillary Clinton] not better at this [military]?
What was fascinating to me, is that she [Hillary Clinton] still cannot answer eloquently, answers about her e-mails, she still can't explains to me why she's not a third term of [Barack] Obama.
Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.
There's a misnomer that Hillary Clinton is as hawkish as I am, basically.