
Saxby Chambliss Quotes

First of all, I don't think that America is truly prepared for a biological or a chemical attack. However, we are moving in the right direction.

"Rep. Saxby Chambliss: Anti-terrorism measures in the U.S". CNN Chat Room, October 2, 2001.

I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge.

"Top Republican Senator ditches Norquist anti-tax pledge", November 23, 2012.

People ought to have more control over their lives.

"Can Sen. Saxby Chambliss End the Chance of a Democratic Super Majority?". "Hannity & Colmes", December 2, 2008.

It's not the function of Congress to do criminal investigations.

"Rep. Saxby Chambliss: Anti-terrorism measures in the U.S". CNN Chat Room, October 2, 2001.

I never sought to privatize Social Security.

"Can Sen. Saxby Chambliss End the Chance of a Democratic Super Majority?". "Hannity & Colmes", December 2, 2008.

I do think that people ought to have some control over their money, rather than the government, just mandating to them how they're going to invest their money.

"Can Sen. Saxby Chambliss End the Chance of a Democratic Super Majority?". "Hannity & Colmes", December 2, 2008.