
John Milton Quotes - Page 23

Fate shall yield To fickle Chance, and Chaos judge the strife.

John Milton (1866). “Milton's Paradise Lost”, p.34

A broad and ample road, whose dust is gold, And pavement stars,--as stars to thee appear Seen in the galaxy, that milky way Which nightly as a circling zone thou seest Powder'd with stars.

John Milton, Henry John Todd (1852). “The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors; and with Some Account of the Life and Writings of Milton, Derived Principally from Original Documents in Her Majesty's State-paper Office”, p.275

Beholding the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies.

'The Reason of Church Government' (1642) bk. 2, introduction

And now the herald lark Left his ground-nest, high tow'ring to descry The morn's approach, and greet her with his song.

John Milton (1752). “Paradise Regain'd. A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes: and Poems Upon Several Occasions. The Author John Milton”, p.72

And as an ev'ning dragon came, Assailant on the perched roosts And nests in order rang'd Of tame villatic fowl.

John Milton, Merritt Yerkes Hughes (1957). “Complete Poems and Major Prose”, p.592, Hackett Publishing

For men to tell how human life began Is hard; for who himself beginning knew?

1665 Adam to Raphael. Paradise Lost (published1667), bk.8, l.250-1.

Ah gentle pair, ye little think how nigh Your change approaches, when all these delights Will vanish and deliver ye to woe, More woe, the more your taste is now of joy.

John Milton, James BUCHANAN (Grammarian.) (1773). “The First Six Books of Milton's Paradise Lost, Rendered Into Grammatical Construction ... With Notes ... To which are Prefixed Remarks on Ellipsis and Transposition ... By J. Buchanan”, p.262

O when meet now Such pairs, in love and mutual honour joined?

1665 Paradise Lost (published1667), bk.8, l.57-8.

Heaven Is as the Book of God before thee set, Wherein to read His wondrous works.

John Milton, Matthew S. Stallard (2011). “Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition”, p.286, Mercer University Press