
John Osborne Quotes

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Don't be afraid of being emotional. You won't die of it.

John Osborne (2014). “Looking Back”, p.17, Faber & Faber

Go on - but don't think you can kill my confidence. I've had experts doing it for years.

John Osborne (2013). “John Osborne Plays 1: Look Back in Anger; Epitaph for George Dillon; The World of Paul Slickey; Dejavu”, p.128, Faber & Faber

It is not true that drink changes a man's character. It may reveal it more clearly.

John Osborne, Henry Fielding (2011). “Tom Jones”, p.48, Oberon Books

The schoolteacher is certainly underpaid as a childminder, but ludicrously overpaid as an educator.

John Osborne (2014). “Damn You England: Collected Prose”, p.50, Faber & Faber

Let's pretend that we're human beings and that we're actually alive.

John Osborne (2014). “Looking Back”, p.358, Faber & Faber

Laughter's the nearest we ever get, or should get, to sainthood. It's the state of grace that saves most of us from contempt.

John Osborne, Anthony Creighton, Arnold Wesker, Bernard Kops (1964). “Epitaph for George Dillon”

It is easy to answer the ultimate questions - it saves you bothering with the immediate ones.

John Osborne (2013). “John Osborne Plays 1: Look Back in Anger; Epitaph for George Dillon; The World of Paul Slickey; Dejavu”, p.122, Faber & Faber

In London, love and scandal are considered the best sweeteners of tea.

John Osborne, Henry Fielding (2011). “Tom Jones”, p.114, Oberon Books

That voice that cries out doesn't have to be a weakling's does it?

John Osborne (2013). “Look Back in Anger”, p.98, Faber & Faber