
John Rawls Quotes

An injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.

John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.4, Harvard University Press

The bad man desires arbitrary power. What moves the evil man is the love of injustice.

John RAWLS (1971). “A Theory of Justice”, p.439, Harvard University Press

The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance.

John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.11, Harvard University Press

Liberal constitutional democracy is supposed to ensure that each citizen is free and equal and protected by basic rights and liberties.

John Rawls, Samuel Richard Freeman (1999). “Collected Papers”, p.621, Harvard University Press

No one deserves his greater natural capacity nor merits a more favorable starting place in society.

John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.87, Harvard University Press

Justice is the first virtue of social institutions.

John Rawls (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.3, Harvard University Press

Justice as fairness provides what we want.

John RAWLS (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.190, Harvard University Press

A society regulated by a public sense of justice is inherently stable.

John RAWLS (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.498, Harvard University Press

Clearly when the liberties are left unrestricted they collide with one another.

John RAWLS (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.203, Harvard University Press

Justice is happiness according to virtue.

John RAWLS (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.310, Harvard University Press

The fault of the utilitarian doctrine is that it mistakes impersonality for impartiality.

John RAWLS (2009). “A Theory of Justice”, p.190, Harvard University Press