
John Stuart Mill Quotes about Liberty

The love of power and the love of liberty are in eternal antagonism.

The love of power and the love of liberty are in eternal antagonism.

John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill (1970). “Essays on Sex Equality”, p.238, University of Chicago Press

The struggle between Liberty and Authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar; particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and England

John Stuart Mill “Annotated On Liberty with English Grammar Exercises: by John Stuart Mill (Author), Robert Powell (Editor)”, Powell Publications, LLC

...there ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered.

John Stuart Mill (2008). “Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin”, p.99, John Wiley & Sons