
Joseph Barber Lightfoot Quotes

Plant thy foot firmly in the prints which His foot has made before thee.

Plant thy foot firmly in the prints which His foot has made before thee.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

There is no persuasiveness more effectual than the transparency of a single heart, of a sincere life.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

Not only must the message be correctly delivered, but the messenger himself must be such as to recommend it to acceptance.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

God helping me, I will help my brothers and sisters in Christ, because they are my brothers and sisters.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

Yes, God is the end of your work, but He is the beginning also.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

I will not be discouraged by failure; I will not be elated by success.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

God is the last link of the chain, but He is the first also.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

It is strange to reflect how much energy is thrown away in attempting to know the unknowable.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (1890). “Ordination Addresses and Counsels to Clergy”

The success and the failure are not my concern, but His.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

If you are apostles at all, you are apostles, not of men, nor by man. Your sufficiency is of God.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

Absolve me, teach me, purify me, strengthen me: take me to Thyself, that I may be Thine and Thine only.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”

The tillage of the soil occupies the vast majority of those who work for their own bread.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (1890). “Ordination Addresses and Counsels to Clergy”

The future is hidden by a dark impenetrable veil, and yet we struggle to pierce through it.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (1890). “Ordination Addresses and Counsels to Clergy”

God gave you not a spirit of faithlessness, not a spirit of despair.

Joseph Barber Lightfoot (Bishop of Durham) (1890). “Ordination addresses and counsels to clergy”