Don’t just be yourself. Be all of yourselves. Don’t just live. Be that other thing connected to death. Be life. Live all of your life. Understand it, see it, appreciate it. And have fun.
It is the most fun I’m ever going to have. I love to write. I love it. I mean, there’s nothing in the world I like better, and that includes sex, probably because I’m so very bad at it. It’s the greatest peace when I’m in a scene, and it’s just me and the character, that’s it, that’s where I want to live my life.
I respect the rules of TV, the rules of keeping things commercial and interesting and pop-y and fun.
TV's like whitewater rafting: Without rocks, there wouldn't be rapids, and it wouldn't be as much fun.
Every writer loves the idea of being able to go in and fix a problem and then leave without obligation. It's fun!
There's a reason Tony Stark makes fun of 'Thor,' and mentions 'Shakespeare' in the park in 'The Avengers.' It's great to play high drama and comedy alongside a modern story.
It's a fun thing to do, to put yourself in the service of something if you think you can add an interpretation. It's no different than any other storytelling.
Live all of your life. Understand it, see it, appreciate it. And have fun.
When people say to me, 'Why are you so good at writing at women?' I say, 'Why isn't everybody?' Obviously there are differences between men and women - that's what makes it all fun. But we're all people. There's a lot of good writers who are very humanist, but still manage to kind of skip fifty-five per cent of the race. And I just don't get that. Not to be able to write an entire gender? To me, the question isn't how do you do it? It's how can you possibly avoid doing it?
Apart from a couple that were just having fun with the concept and making fun of [Donald] Trump - like the one we did with Keegan Michael-Key - they really are little hero narratives. The whole "Save the Day" - it's called that, specifically, for a reason - ethos is there is this heroic act called voting. And the world is scary, and things are overwhelming, and there's a lot at stake.