Different people have different opinions, and its okay to respect all of them.
In life, you have to take the pace that love goes. You don't force it. You just don't force love, you don't force falling in love, you don't force being in love - you just become. I don't know how to say that in English, but you just feel it.
I would never disrespect anyone.
I am a father and I know the feel of being a father, why wouldn't I want my gay friends to also be happy parents? Gay and lesbian people, and the children they are raising, wrongfully face discrimination and I want them to know that I'm on their side.
In Venezuela, which doesnt have thousands of prestige universities like the U.S., people usually stay at home while attending to college. After they graduate, they move for a job or get married.
Im not a bad guy. People who know me know who I am.
I dont like Miami that much. I dont like the weather. My base is Miami, but I travel a lot.
You have to respect everybodys desires and way of living.
I know gay parents, and I support them and their families. They are good parents and loving families.
We were created to be woman and man and make kids.
There are people who love on weekends to go out when the sun comes out. I just want to lie in bed and watch sports and relax.
Theres a stigma on the word therapy. People relate it to big problems. Thats something we have to change. Going to therapy can be very healthy. It can change the way you see things and treat others.
I can be a little bit stubborn.