
Judy LaMarsh Quotes

Out of near disaster, came real progress.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

Everyone is an expert on T.V., just as he is on education; everyone has some education and a T.V. set.

"Memoirs Of A Bird In A Gilded Cage" by Judy LaMarsh, Ch. 9, (p. 250), 1969.

The unexpressed aim of every politician is to influence events that history books will record his name - and spell it right.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

I cannot say that I have been hindered all my life by the permutation of genes that resulted in me being born a woman.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

Most women have a distaste for guns, and I am no exception.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

A government may only govern so long as the people, through their representatives, vote it the money to carry on.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

One of the things that has always been my undoing in politics is my readiness to do whatever job has to be done.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

We were always expected to see Quebec's side of things, but there was damned little reciprocity.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

I suppose, as a politician, I should be content, for the Canada Pension Plan certainly put my name in Canada's history books, and in italics.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart

I have served the Liberal cause for twenty-two years. That ought to be long enough for anyones lifetime.

Judy LaMarsh (1969). “Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage”, Toronto ; Montreal : McClelland and Stewart