Having a manicure pulls a look together. Hands are the first thing people see after your face.
My mum told me always to wear heels. If I'm not wearing heels, she says, 'What? You're in flats?' So whenever I see her, I make sure I have heels with me.
I'm European, I wake up in heels.
When I wear jewelry it needs to really mean something.
I don't buy jewelry just for the aesthetic side.
That's what I tried to create, even though they are new pieces. I wanted them to feel like very special pieces that you can hold on to for a long time. I didn't want them to be too high fashion, I wanted them to be more timeless.
I collect jewelry for a story - so something I got on a trip or something I got from my family. You know it always needs to have a meaning for me.
I first met the brand [Didier Dubot] when I went to an event for them on Top of The Standard. It was about three years ago. It was the first time I heard about them and then that's where I met them.
I knew I was in good hands [with Didier Dubot] and we could accomplish whatever I had in mind.
I had a strong identity in mind but then of course I had to trust Didier Dubot's expertise. They've been doing jewelry for so many years.
I have never done jewelry before so, of course, I had an idea in mind, but I needed it to be feasible and I don't really know about the materials, like what's possible, what's not possible.
They [Didier Dubot ] approached me to do a collaboration and I just couldn't say no because I really loved the collaborations they did before.
I brought a lot of images of pieces I got from my grandmother, pieces I collected over time and then we met with a designer and we tried to morph all my inspirations into one story.