
Katherine Neville Quotes

Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements.

Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements.

Katherine Neville (2015). “A Calculated Risk: A Novel”, p.56, Open Road Media

Music has power to create a universe or to destroy a civilization.

Katherine Neville (2015). “The Eight”, p.135, Open Road Media

Affaires meant 'business.' How like the French to kill two birds with one stone.

Katherine Neville (2015). “The Eight”, p.176, Open Road Media

The laws of chess are as beautiful as those governing the universe - and as deadly.

Katherine Neville (2015). “A Calculated Risk: A Novel”, p.91, Open Road Media

Muses had a way of killing those whom they inspired.

Katherine Neville (2015). “The Eight”, p.57, Open Road Media