God is a philosophical black hole-the point where reason breaks down.
If knowledge is my God, doubt would be my religion.
Man is an appearance, God is a reality.
In hell, the Devil is God.
Man is programmed to find the programmer.
Life is a question asked by God about the way he exists.
The most fundamental tragedy of my life is that the ones who I see do not exist and the one who exists I do not see.
Gravity is neither a force nor a consequence of any space-time curvature. It is simply an orderly spatial illusion to non-spatial observer/s.
Necessity is the ethnicity of truth.
Most of the history is a divine work of fiction.
The existence of God is the ultimate paradox.
If God is in Heaven, Hell is empty.
Moral certainty is intellectual immorality
There is only one real computer - the universe - whose hardware is made up of non-spatial states of consciousness and software is made up of superhuman as well as non-superhuman thoughts.
God is the ultimate philosophical questioner, the one who asks the logically paradoxical ultimate philosophical question about the nature of his own existence.
God's greatest thirst and his greatest sin is his ultimate vanity.
The angel within me thrives on the devil within me.
Life exists to be a mystery.
The final philosophy is the ontology of God.
Truth is orphan without matter and matter is impotent without truth.
Vishnu came in the form of Hitler to be an inspiration for the Kalki to come.
Painful life is brutal and painless life is superficial.
Mystery is the soul of existence.
The best thing about the world is that it has a mysterious structure and the worst thing is that it has a grievous structure.
The final discovery is the discovery of knowledge.