We've decided [with Jordan Peele] that we need to be on the Internet for a little bit of time every day to figure out what's going on. It feels like we're working. It feels like you're all typing and you're searching.
We've caught people watching us, and I'll look at them and I'll go, "It's just us. It's just our thing. It's just what we do."
If you take something like the slave-auction sketch, the warmth of the light gives it a crisp 12 Years a Slave look. And your eye tells your brain, "I should be taking this seriously."
My favorite, favorite, favorite, and the greatest comedian that could ever exist if you could Frankenstein a comedian together, would be one part Richard Pryor, one part Peter Sellers. That would be the greatest comic actor.
We share plates [with Jordan Peele], and we also very often will sit in the corner and kind of speak in our own language.
My father has passed away. He was African-American. My mother is white. So I was adopted by a couple that was of a similar dynamic as my biological parents.
[Adoption] could turn you into an exquisite comedian. Ask Richard Pryor's ghost.
Like every human we have to categorize ourselves, so you kind of start to build a mythos 'cause I had no information about [ biological mother]. So you have to build a mythos around yourself. And so my mythos included me not being wanted or me being a wretched person, which is just great fertilizer for comedy.
[The rumor that Leonardo DiCaprio on set was raped by a bear] was as silly as Lady Gaga bumping him or moving his arm out of the way [at the Golden Globes]. People straight be bored.
I want people to say, "Oh my God, I'm laughing out loud at television."
I get overwhelmed when I approach things intellectually.
I have always, or for the most part, identified myself as a biracial person.
I'm tall and thin but not strong, so you're either an athlete or you're funny.
Surprise is not humor. I think that there can be a fine line there.
I'm adopted, so I didn't know my father, but apparently he was pretty tall.
There's a thing called the 'One Drop' theory in African-American culture, which is if you have one drop of black blood in you, you're black.
It was very important thousands of years ago to categorize things. I can eat that plant, I can't eat that plant. Or this tribe, not that tribe. We don't have to do that anymore - we have processed food now!
I'm very concerned with what's going on the news, but I would not call myself a political animal, per se. I pay more attention during election years, or if I see some topic or issue that I care about. But I would never call myself a political animal or political junkie.
If you look at any successful skit comedy show, ever, there is that format of introducing you to the player in the beginning, and then going on to see those sketches.
For me, as a child, I certainly thought that there were more black people in the world than white people.