Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.
I believe this passionately: that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it.
Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.
Many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they’re not — because the thing they were good at at school wasn’t valued, or was actually stigmatized.
We are educating people out of their creative capacities.
You don’t think of Shakespeare being a child, do you? Shakespeare being seven? He was seven at some point. He was in somebody’s English class, wasn’t he? How annoying would that be?
It’s education that’s meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp.
My contention is, all kids have tremendous talents. And we squander them, pretty ruthlessly.
Typically [professors] live in their heads. … They look upon their body as a form of transport for their heads. It’s a way of getting their head to meetings.
Every education system on Earth has the same hierarchy of subjects: at the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts.
There isn’t an education system on the planet that teaches dance everyday to children the way we teach them mathematics. Why?