
Kevin McCloud Quotes

All Quotes Design House

Awesome is loud but awe is quiet.

Kevin McCloud (2011). “Kevin McCloud’s Principles of Home: Making a Place to Live”, p.8, HarperCollins UK

I don't look at what people do with their homes in terms of money, but the social and personal value of what they're trying to do and achieve.

"Grand Designs: The home truths of Kevin McCloud". Interview with Patrick Collinson, April 08, 2011.

Sustainability is now a big baggy sack in which people throw all kinds of old ideas, hot air and dodgy activities in order to be able to greenwash their products and feel good.

Kevin McCloud (2010). “Kevin McCloud’s 43 Principles of Home: Enjoying Life in the 21st Century”, p.2, HarperCollins UK

I'm terribly fastidious. I like symmetry and neatness, but my house is as chaotic as any other family's.

"Grand Designs Kevin McCloud: 'My House Is as Chaotic as Yours'". Interview with Judith Woods, October 27, 2010.