Kurt Lewin Quotes
If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.
Attributed in "Problems of Theoretical Psychology - ISTP 1995" by Charles W. Tolman, (p. 31), 1996.
Kurt Lewin (1951). “Field Theory in Social Science: Selected Theoretical Papers”, New York : Harper
Kurt Lewin (2013). “Principles of Topological Psychology”, p.24, Read Books Ltd
"Resolving social conflicts; selected papers on group dynamics" edited by Gertrude W. Lewin New York: Harper & Row, 1948, p. 133; as cited in "Schooling & Capitalism: A Sociological Reader" by Roger Dale, Madeleine MacDonald, Geoff Esland, (p. 111), 1976.
"The Research Center for Group Dynamics".
Kurt Lewin (1951). “Field Theory in Social Science: Selected Theoretical Papers”, New York : Harper
Kurt. Lewin, (2013). “A Dynamic Theory of Personality - Selected Papers”, p.231, Read Books Ltd