
Laura Ingalls Wilder Quotes - Page 3

I understood....that in my own life I represented a whole period of American history.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane (1988). “A Little House sampler”, Univ of Nebraska Pr

Money hasn't any value of its own; it represents the stored up energy of men and women and is really just someone's promise to pay a certain amount of that energy.

Laura Ingalls Wilder (2010). “Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder - Volume One: On Wisdom and Virtues”, p.31, Thomas Nelson Inc

People used to have time to live and enjoy themselves, but there is no time anymore for anything but work, work, work.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (1991). “Little house in the Ozarks: a Laura Ingalls Wilder sampler : the rediscovered writings”, Thomas Nelson Inc

We heap up around us things that we do not need as the crow makes piles of glittering pebbles.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (2008). “Laura Ingalls Wilder, farm journalist: writings from the Ozarks”, University of Missouri

Vices are simply overworked virtues.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (1991). “Little house in the Ozarks: a Laura Ingalls Wilder sampler : the rediscovered writings”, Thomas Nelson Inc

There is nothing wrong with God's plan that man should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow.

Laura Ingalls Wilder (2010). “Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder - Volume One: On Wisdom and Virtues”, p.61, Thomas Nelson Inc

We must get rid of the habit of classing all women together politically and thinking of the 'woman's vote' as one and indivisible.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (1991). “Little house in the Ozarks: a Laura Ingalls Wilder sampler : the rediscovered writings”, Thomas Nelson Inc

In these days when we feed those who are not hungry, we are stealing from those who are starving, even though the food is our own.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Stephen W. Hines (2008). “Laura Ingalls Wilder, farm journalist: writings from the Ozarks”, University of Missouri