Jesus did not come into the world to make bad men good. He came into the world to make dead men live!
If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.
You know, people say that today. "I am a saved sinner." That is like saying you are a married bachelor. That is like saying you are an honest thief, or a pure harlot. you can't be a saved sinner. You are either saved or you are a sinner. He came. "Thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall save his people from their sins."
I've got The Father on my side, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and 2/3 of the angels. What do you think I'm going to do? Sit down and cry?
Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?
If Jesus came back today, he wouldn’t cleanse the temple, he’d cleanse the pulpit.
Nobody stood by Jesus. Maybe nobody will stand by you. It's a lonely life, but it's a glorious life.
To be much for God, we must be much with God. Jesus, that lone figure in the wilderness, knew strong crying, along with tears. Can one be moved with compassion and not know tears? Jeremiah was a sobbing saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did John. Though there are some tearful intercessors behind the scenes, I grant you that to our modern Christianity, praying is foreign.
Every step you make in Jesus Christ enrages the devil.
One of the most amazing things Jesus said is that at the judgment seat, preachers are going to say `I cast out devils, and Jesus will say `I never knew you.
The last words of Jesus to the church (in Revelation) were ‘Repent!’
I find it most intriguing to contemplate the fact that while men are considering what place to give Jesus Christ in history, He has already decided what place to give them in eternity.
Are you wiser in God (now) than you were last year at this time? Peter says we're to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This silly world outside thinks it is finished with Jesus Christ but they haven't even started with Him yet.
Thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall save his people from their sins.