
Lionel Barber Quotes

As a cub reporter, I devoured books about journalism.

Lionel Barber's Hugh Cudlipp lecture at London College of Communication, January 21, 2011.

We British play an important role in Europe, even if we have a traditional and historical ambivalence towards the continent.

"The Consequences Of The Brexit Referendum". "Weekend Edition Saturday" with Scott Simon, June 11, 2016.

But I do think that Brexit, an exit of Britain from the European Union, would trigger real pressure on the United Kingdom.

"The Consequences Of The Brexit Referendum". Interview with Scott Simon, June 11, 2016.

We have Trumpist (ph) tendencies in Europe. Look up Marine Le Pen in France. Look at the Five Star Movement headed by a clown by profession, Beppe Grillo, in Italy.

"The Consequences Of The Brexit Referendum". "Weekend Edition Saturday" with Scott Simon, June 11, 2016.